Friday, January 15, 2010

The new year

well...... It is January 14, 2010 and we are still living at my parents house. it has it's pros and cons, but all in all it has been an okay time so far, It does help that they have been gone for the past 6 weeks. so to catch up on what was missed, since I am not a very diligent blogger yet, I brought in the new year with my peeps at SMH, and NO, I didnt have the new years baby despite my hard efforts. I dreamt it, and replayed it in my head, but it didnt happen the same way as I had imagined. She ended up a C-section at 6am. which is not unusual, it seems that every night shift of mine I end up In a c-section in the late morning, preventing me from getting a sleep break! its the best :)
hmmmm.... what else has happened, well my borther and sister - in - law are going to have another baby, and it seems now that I'm back at work, everyone thinks I should be getting on with my second already!! whoa, hold on a second. lets take a breather here. there are a few things that need to happen before a second is even thought about. 1) Hudson, my beautiful silly little boy needs to sleep through the night. he is getting closer and closer to that goal. 2) my own house would be good, 3) I have to prepare my self for the odds that I may have another silly little boy. how does one share the love? figuring that out may not happen till number 2 is actually here. In the future that is :)
The latest new is that I bought tickets to Hawaii yesterday!! which is so exciting, I only paid 290 both ways each... awesome I would say :) and today I couldn't resist buying a cute summer dress to wear on my up coming well needed vacation. it was on sale of course ;)
lastly..... I need to convince Micheal to join amanda, rod and I on a trip we are planning to new york in late september. he seems to deny it every time I bring it up. I dont understand, the rest of us is so excited. I have already found some really modern apartments in manhatan to rent for only $100 a night... who would pass that up???? gees, I've got to get crafty, I may need to bring in masters of persuasion to get him to go.... will let you all know how it goes.