Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March came way too fast

So, i've noticed some time has lapsed since my last post, so i'm gonna bring you up to speed. Since recovering from pneumonia in January, I worked 4 days and then got sick again. This time it was crazy sick. I ended up staying the night at hotel surrey memorial for 4 nights, yeah I old you it was crazy. I had a kidney infection that did not want to leave. So I spent most of my time in the hospital getting morphine and gravol Q4hrs, strong antibiotics and sleeping. Not gonna lie, besides the tremendous pain, it wasn't a bad stay. I happened to be in when it was my team working, so it was like being with family, so that was sure a bonus. When I finally got to leave the hospital, I spent another week on the couch, dizzy and motion sick. Not fun, I blamed the antibiotics for the slow recovery. Anyways, while I had a lot of time with my thoughts, I realized that new years for us doesn't start till Feb or March. Crazyness always seems to happen in the first few months of the normal calendar year, which is fine, since our calendar is less than normal. This year our year started on February 2, 2013. This was when we packed up our family and left the crazyness behind us. We headed of to the British Virgin Islands were we got plenty of rest and sunshine. Well, my description of plenty of rest will be different than others. Hahaha as we still had our kids with us, meaning early mornings and lots of interaction, but it was still good to get away from the business of life and all the sickness that surrounded us. The sun and salt healed all our sickness. And like any vacation there were some bumps, one in particular was that Micheal ear got plugged and put him in bed for a whole day with the worst ear pressure and head ache imaginable. I tried to help by getting some ear drops from the dive shop, which just made things worse. I have never seen him in so much pain, he looked like his head was gonna explode! WOW for a second I thought it actually might, and i was freaked out. Lesson learned, just leave him to die alone, hahaha cause i will just make it worse. Anyways, the boys loved every minute of our time away. I think their favorits where riding fast in the tender to shore, swimming in the pool, finding treasure and throwing stuff (rocks, sand, toys, ect) into the ocean. plus, it was a bonus getting to see nanny and grandpa everyday, whats not to like.  It was good for our family to get away just the 4 of us before we add another little character to the mix. The boys got our undivided attention and grew a lot. Watching them play and think and learn got me curious to see what the next little buddy will be like. Hudson and Hayden are total opposites, which is really funny to watch. Maybe this one will be a great mix of the both of them. hahaha only time will tell. So we got thrown back into reality February 21, which was not too fun. Our house was an icebox. It was colder inside than it was outside, lets just say I slept in a hoodie, sweat pants and wool socks that night. brrrrrrr it was cold. since we got back life has been in full swing, which isn't a bad thing, as I only have a few weeks left until my next bit of vacation prior to mat leave. :) oh the perks of having babies! hahaha so the countdown is on, 2 more weeks and counting! Life is good. I've added a few pics from our trip, there are many more on FB, most of them are under Micheal's but he did his best in tagging me in most of them :)

ARRRR the dingy captain

hahaha I put his hair in clips so the wind wouldn't blow it in his eyes

Becoming such a poser 

brother time

snorkling, such clear water

little tree climber 

sting ray 

the best spot on the boat, the "bow" 

eagle ray 

Mr. Turtle 

Enjoy the rest of your week. xoxo