Monday, August 10, 2009

They are still at it

Last time they were painting the front deck, well today they are back at it, except, they are painting the back of the house. I feel like an animal stuck in a cage. All my blinds are open, so they can see in, and there is no where for me to hide, well except up stairs. every move i make now is carefully planned, as to not show them to much of my self. I'm pretty sure they are enjoying Handy Mandy as they paint my extremely large window. Well, Hudson has a different view of the painters being in his back yard. he crawled up to the window, just stood their watching them. he thought it was the coolest thing. but when they wouldn't open the door to let him come play with them, he felt put out. like he expecting something in return for befriending them. Boy will he learn fast!
hmmmm... what else is new... well this weekend we attended yet another wedding. And yes, I bought a new dress of course, but it was no where near as beautiful as my BCBG dress #1 (as seen in the picture to the right). I still have yet to purchase #2 and #3, being on mat leave limits me a bit on what i can and can not buy. :( soon and very soon, I will be back at work, and ready to buy dress #2. Well it is nap timenow.

Friday, August 7, 2009

New at this

I thought I would try this whole blog thing out, since I have a few that i read every once and a while. Hmm... what's new with me, well i tried wake boarding for the first time last weekend and i am still paying for it. all the muscles in y upper body are so very sore. I dont know if my whole 15 seconds of getting up on the board was worth all this pain!
what else... well as i write, there is a blond young man painting my window. it could be awkward if he knew i was watching every move he made as i peek through my blinds. haha what he doesnt know wont hurt him. Well, now he has jumped onto my front deck, where I am in plain site (man, should have kept the curtain closed today). Oh boy, i hope he doesnt catch me doing anything awkward.
anyways.... new topic.... hmm.... I cant stop thinking about what he might be doing now, its very distracting. I feel as though i am stuck at the computer, because if I move I may disclose my secret spying space!!!
wow, how did he do that! used cat like maneuvers to get from my deck to the neighbors without making a peep. ohh, he is back, now with a huge ladder that extends past my spy window up to Hudsons room. I sure hope he doesn't wake him up.
well, i should make my escape before he returns to the deck, and spoils everything.
till next time.