Friday, August 7, 2009

New at this

I thought I would try this whole blog thing out, since I have a few that i read every once and a while. Hmm... what's new with me, well i tried wake boarding for the first time last weekend and i am still paying for it. all the muscles in y upper body are so very sore. I dont know if my whole 15 seconds of getting up on the board was worth all this pain!
what else... well as i write, there is a blond young man painting my window. it could be awkward if he knew i was watching every move he made as i peek through my blinds. haha what he doesnt know wont hurt him. Well, now he has jumped onto my front deck, where I am in plain site (man, should have kept the curtain closed today). Oh boy, i hope he doesnt catch me doing anything awkward.
anyways.... new topic.... hmm.... I cant stop thinking about what he might be doing now, its very distracting. I feel as though i am stuck at the computer, because if I move I may disclose my secret spying space!!!
wow, how did he do that! used cat like maneuvers to get from my deck to the neighbors without making a peep. ohh, he is back, now with a huge ladder that extends past my spy window up to Hudsons room. I sure hope he doesn't wake him up.
well, i should make my escape before he returns to the deck, and spoils everything.
till next time.

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