Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Early morning

well, I'm just sitting here on my long break at work. its too late to fall asleep, and to early to go home... 1 1/2 hours left to go. I can do it. any ways, while I was catching the baby for the c-section I started thinking about my crazy little monkey sleeping in his bed at home. who would have imagined he would turn out to be such an fun loving energetic little monkey. He is 14 months now and walking every where like crazy. he still doesn't speak English too well, but i know that will come, then i will be wishing I could get some quiet.
any ways... the thing about little monkeys is that they like to get into everything, which kinda makes cleaning/ cooking and showering difficult tasks. lately since I have been busy packing up our whole life, (and man oh man, we have tones of stuff, its ridiculous) Hudson G gets these great urges to wanna help, which is great, but his form of helping is unpacking the box while I am turned around getting more stuff to put in it, which makes packing double the length. another fun thing to do is flip into the box and play peek- a - boo. man that kid is none stop, always going going, going, wish some of his energy could rub off on me sometimes and even things out a bit... any ways, I'm about to fall asleep at the computer, g'nite and for most of the world good morning

Monday, November 16, 2009

Almost done

Oh my goodness, it has been such a long time, so much has changed since the last time i wrote.
The painters have finished their painting job, and our house has been sold for about a month and a half now. I thought it would be easier to find a house to buy and make our own, then try and sell our house.. I turns out I was wrong.
we have had no luck in the house hunting department, seems as though people wanna stay in their house for the holidays. I had dreams of actually getting a christmas tree this year, and decorating our house for christmas. making new memories and starting new traditions. seems like that dream will be put off for one more year. In the mean time we have been slowly moving all our stuff to my mom and dads house. kind of handy, but not at the same time. It's good cause we aren't with out some where to go, and hudson will get to spend extra time with his grandparents. bad thing is that we have to move twice, but I guess thats the price we have to pay to find the perfect house.