Wednesday, December 9, 2009

An early christmas

I like to take pride in the fact that our family is a little bit different,
like most families we have our traditions, this we do every year.. something my family started
about 8 or 9 years ago was celebrating christmas early, i'm talking late november to early december. It gets rid of all the chaos on the actual day set on the calendar. no body has to rush off to another family gathering, stuff their bellies with yet another turkey dinner in the same day. I fell it is more relaxing... just sit back enjoy the company of cousins we only see at special
occasions such as showers weddings and christmas :) also, when shopping for gifts, people are still friendly, they are not all in hurry trying to get last minute things, nope, some shoppers havn't even begun to think about christmas yet!anyways, this year it was at my cousins new house in surrey. the house we go too has to be large enough to fit everyone and their dates. yes!!! date are invited, to our already large family gathering. so during these christmas's
something special happens... we get and early visit from the one and only sinter clause, he is the dutch santa, who grandma invited to our dinner on a special request. he enters in with a song that grandma plays on a TAPE DECK (what the heck is that) and he is followed by black pete his handy helper.
he calls out the name on the gift pete hands him, and that person runs up and sits on sinter
clauses knee to receive the gift. it is a very enchanting moment :)this year some this went down that was a little scandalous... I caught sinter clause on tape kissing one of my cousins wifes... oh my what a shocker...

besides that christmas was a blast like always.. the strawberry mouse always a hit and who
knew wild salmon and lasagna was part of the christmas feast...
enjoy your Christmas traditions with your families, it is, the best time of the year :)
A happy believer
Hudson G all decked out in his dress shirt and vest :)

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