Thursday, December 13, 2012


20 is just a number to some people, but to me it is more than that. It means that we have made it half way through this pregnancy. There has been some ups and downs along the way, but mostly just crazy happy fun. How could you not have fun with 2 crazy little boys around all the time. It started off a little bumpy because fraser Health declared a pertussis outbreak which forced everyone working with babies or kids to get a pertussis booster. This left nurses with the choice of either getting the shot or being deployed to another unit, which really isn't a choice. Just sort of felt like we were being bullied into doing something. Anyways, Myself and a few other co-workers did not take the shot option as we are pregnant and therefore we were deployed to other areas of the hospital. Areas that we as maternity are not familiar with. So needless to say, there was a lot of stressful situations and discussions but we made it! Today at 20weeks my manager called to see if I wanted to go home (to FBU), I didn't hesitate to answer with a YES!! I've been waiting for this to happen. I knew if I waited it out everything would work out, and it did. I'm not gonna lie, I'm going to miss my new friends on N2B (Er overflow) and my great duties I had there ;P hahaha but it is for the best. I get to go back to where I'm comfortable and where I actually like to go to work. It will take a while to adjust back to the busyness off our ward and the time change from 7am -730, but its not for long. Mat leave is just around the corner. So for those of you that are just a little bit curious at 20 weeks my baby is now roughly the length of a banana, and she/he is practicing swallowing amniotic fluid, which is good practice for his/her digestive tract. Hope you all have a great weekend!! I sure am looking forward to date night tomorrow night, I don't think we have been out since Disneyland :)

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