Friday, December 21, 2012

21 weeks

21weeks!! Waahoo more than half way. At 21 weeks the baby is about the length of a carrot (10.5 inches). But I'm pretty sure mine is a huge monster! You can see the kicks from the outside now, and micheal can for sure feel the kicks! They are REALLY strong already. We had our detailed ultrasound this week, which was AMAZING! We went to Coquitlam, which seemed like the best of the best, for ultrasound clinics. They had big screen TV's in the room which the tech used to show us the baby. And it was the clearest ultrasound viewing I have ever seen. She took time to show us each limb and each bone, even the lips and the brain. Was SO GREAT!!! I needed this great experience, since my last one was less than great! it was one that I don't care to remember, but still remember it like it like it just happened. Anyways, I felt So comfortable in the room with the tech, we talked about everything. hahaha yeah I just kept talking. so weird I know. and she thought it was weird that scott road doesn't have doctors that check the ultrasound before they send you home. Well, lesson learned, never GO there, EVER again! and you guys make a not of that too :) anyways, we decided that we wanted to find out the gender this time, cause we never had and also I want time to adjust to the idea of a boy or girl. So since our tech was the best in the business, we saw the gender clear as day!! hahahaha it was very very clear! ultra sound pics to come at a later date! anyways the next set of photos were taken by a friend Lori Currie can been contacted and seen at She did such a great job in such short time. I think the photo's display the story perfectly. it is just a proof thats why its so small, but I couldn't wait. 

Hahaha If you didn't understand the photo, well a blue balloon means BOY!!! hahaha yes, a 3rd boy. life is gonna be crazy and fun! We had a 50/50 chance, and the boy won, again. hence the punch! hahaha we are truly happy. his profile picture is SO cute, you'll see it eventually. I was reminded/encouraged by great friends and family they said that God must think i'm a pretty awesome mom to give me 3 boys to raise up in him. Cause we all know that we need more honourable men in this world. This is gonna be a hard but fun task, and i'm sure when he is done laughing at me, AGAIN, for trying to plan, he will help me through it.

Anyways, it is way past my bed time, and I have to wake up for work after a nice 2 week stay-cation. oh man, morning will come so early. Anyways, hope you enjoyed to photos, I know we had a lot of fun doing them.

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