Thursday, July 25, 2013

I survived!

           I know, sounds like something crazy happened, but I'm just talking about the weekend. It was very eventful in my eyes, considering I have not done too much since Mason has arrived. It started on friday. Micheal and I decided to go to north vancouver to see Olivia's boy friends band play at the outdoor market. So we got my mom to take the older boys and we took Mason to North Van. It was fun, they had all these food trucks and live music set up at the shipyards. we ate some really yummy street tacos. I got the fish taco and Micheal got the jerk chicken. ever since then he has been dreaming about them and trying to find a close enough recipe to replicate the taco he had. haha we shall see if he is successful in that. So we left Van around 815pm stopped for some groceries and got home at a decent time. The whole while I thought I had my phone in the truck in the diaper bag. hahaha not sure why I thought that. We searched high and low and it was no where to be found. I learned a valuable lesson. Babies make me dumb!!! lol fine, probably just sleep deprived, but still where could it have gone. I have thought about it and I now think that I probably left it on the BACK bumper while loading the stroller into the trunk. haha why haven't I learned. this is the second valuable thing I have lost back there! geez! when will I stop putting stuff back there! there are pockets for a reason. oh dear. Anyways, on saturday micheal was up and out of the house at 830am. hahaha I  guess no sleeping in for us. but he accomplished a lot. he went to ikea to get some shelving to finally finish our basement and to rogers to get me a new phone and was home by 1030 :)  He must love me haha. So I went a whole 14hrs with out a phone. at first I was a little lost and panicky hahaha, but once bed time came around I was used it and felt free. weird I know, but that phone had everything on it. The good thing about an Iphone is I just plugged it into the computer and it restored everything the way it was! perfect, and it's a good thing I just synced it the day before, which is rare for me, just like checking the mail! hahaha So saturday Micheal dropped me off at amanda's house at 140 as I was going to a stagette. it was a fun night of islly games, dinner in english bay, a musical under the stars at stanley park and desert and lingerie. Oh yeah, and of course the party bus!!! hahaha. the bus was pretty interesting and and lets just say we were all praying that we would make it there in one piece. we came close to crashing into the car in front a few times. eeekk. I got home at 130am, the latest night ever and morning came way too fast at an earl 630 am haha gotta love these kids, they just missed me so much :p. It was a fun evening and I was glad that Micheal had a good time with the boys all day. I'm a very lucky lady, and I'm glad that the kids are always so good for him, and Mason only ate 2 times, which is awesome, so now he isn't afraid to watch them all alone again one day :) maybe sooner than he thinks. hahaha I wanna go to the JT and JZ concert july 31. ;) So thats all for now, the couch cleaner is coming soon. I'm so excited to finally get the stains off the couch, at least for a little while.
 xoxo (sorry no pics, the iphone 5 has a different cord, and the only one I have is up in my room with a sleeping baby :) )

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