Thursday, October 27, 2016

Long time no see.

Wow. I just wanna start of by saying, sorry. A lot has happened since July 2013. In the past 3 years and a few months, there have been a few life changes. First off, we moved. Yup, for all of those who don't know, we finally moved out of the townhouse seen and into a detached home. A detached home people!!!! This is huge. This means we have to mow our own lawn, do our own gardening, complain to the city about crazy parkers, ect. With more space has brought way more responsibility, but we love it!!! With this move, we also did some huge renovations, which was so awesome to see. For before and after photos, go back about 2 years on my instagram feed42likes9comments :P lol, i'm way to busy to post them on here, well for now that is. I may or may not choose to do a before and after post....  The second life change we made was hiring an aupair. This in its self should be its own blog lol. i would call it something like "to aupair or not to aupair", or maybe "what not to do: the aupair diaries" lol. oh the challenges we had. Anyways, it was a great decision for our family at this time. It is very helpful having someone here all the time helping out. It makes grocery shopping and appointments less stressful to organize. oh and by challenges, I just mean it is hard to pick someone without actually meeting them. Sure we Skype and ask all the questions we can possibly think of. But there is still the problem of what are they actually like in real life (in person). We have found that you can say a lot over Skype, but when it comes down to actually coming and here and actually doing it, it is a different storey. So needless to say, it has been a learning experience.  The third and final life change is the best one by far. Well I think so and i'm sure micheal and our family will agree. This past July we welcomed our newest addition to the family. A baby girl!!! yeah!! She is finally here, and we are so happy. Her name is Penelope Emilise Pahl, and she is just a little sweetheart. She is so easy going and happy to just sit and watch the brothers play. Some people ask how we make it look so easy. lol. well, its not easy. Some days it is chaos, and other days are just.... well there just days like everyone else. I've learned to let the little things go, and that just chilling is okay sometimes, or all the time. Kids can entertain themselves with practically nothing. Don't get me wrong, they have a whole toy store of toys, but still choose the most random thing to play with for hours. I've also learned that kids are weird. lol. Yup, i said it. They are just strange little people, that are unpredictable and needy, but if you play your cards just right, you will some how learn to understand each other. For example, what kid doesn't like pizza or pancakes. Or who wouldn't love to go swimming or play in the snow or go to disneyland. (eye roll) Well, I could keep going on and on about what we've missed in the last 3 years. Most of which is just hilarious, but i think I've caught you up as much as needed, and the rest is history. So, here's to new memories and stories that are bound to happen. And I might just add in a few oldies that you've missed along the way.

Enjoy this cute video :)

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