Tuesday, October 6, 2009


October is here. It feels as though it has come up fast. just think, in 2 months it will be christmas, and then in 2 more months the olympics, and then in 2 more months my birthday!! goodness, time sure does fly. so.... what has October brought already. cold weather, shorter days, and a sold house. It finally sold after one week of dropping the price by only 5000. with this news, October has also brought feelings of excitement, anxiety, and sadness. Excitement for a new house, looking for the new house and finally getting a christmas tree. Anxiety about actually being able to find a house we both like in a month, packing and moving, and the never ending pile of bills. finally sadness... leaving this nice house and entering the unknown, leaving the first house we have owned, made memories in. what if our next house isn't nice, how long will it take to feel like home, and look nice again. things you don't really think about when you are busy trying to sell. these thoughts come after when you are no longer busy with constant tidying and cleaning. well i hope the excitement of finding a new house comes back, if not, i have a feeling this October will go by very slowly.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Sar. You guys will do just fine! I promise! And half of the fun of home owning is that period you have to spend making it your own. I know God is planning out just the right home for you guys at this very moment! For some reason you all came into my mind last night as I was up with Piper at who knows what hour... but that makes me feel like, if I am thinking about you guys this much, so is God. No worries.
