Monday, December 12, 2011

Post op day 11

So it has been 11 days since my surgery. I can officially say now that the worst is behind us. I don't spend my days dozing in and out on the couch all day. I don't take med every 4hrs, and I don't need to use the syringe all the time. Everyday gets better :) I still don't find myself running around the house or climbing the stairs. But I do drink my water with a cup now, and I can change my own elastics and brush my teeth. Well the fronts of my teeth, still can't open my mouth wide enough to get the backsides, but I think some is better then none. I can also Pour myself something to drink or eat and read a magazine. I can now say that I can see myself looking back at me in the mirror. Sure it is still swollen and lop sided, but the swelling has gone way down. Let's just say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Each day the tunnel gets smaller, which is good because for a while I thought it was never gonna end. I still have bad thoughts towards Langley hospital, it might be because I can still feel the exact place the nurse jabbed me with the numbing needle. I can feel the whole path the pain took down to my calf. It's a weird feeling, it's always there in the background adding to the other pains. I am pretty happy with the level of pain. It is tolerable during the day, so I'm drug free in the day. In the quiet of the night is when the pain monsters hit me. starts with throbbing and then gradually gets to sharp pain. Tylenol doesn't seem to cut it, so I reach for the codeine, which also helps me sleep. So all in all it's better, not perfect but better. I just hope that the lop sidedness is because of swelling and not because he was just focused on my bite and not the the whole picture. I guess time will tell, I just don't wanna do it again cause he messed it up. But maybe it wont be as bad the second time?? hahaha I'm gonna try not to think of it for now. xoxo

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