Saturday, December 3, 2011


So I'm gonna take it slow, I can hardly keep my head up and see the key board. Well, as you can see I made it through the surgery and am now home. So lets start at the beginning, which is a good place to start. We got to the hospital at 645am, and checked into the surgical ward. There I got dressed into a hospital gown and some lovely mis-matched green knee high socks. Oh my, I was looking so fine, hahaha you can ask Micheal. I waited in the the little room for a long time, before a nurse came to ask me questions and start the IV. The IV guy was pretty good, it only took him one try which was a relief since the last time I had an IV they poked me 4 times. So it seemed like right after the IV was started a nice man wheeled me off in the stretcher to wait in the pre-op room. There, a little asian man, who turned out to be the anaesthetist, can't remember his name, asked me a few quick questions and then disappeared. Not too long after, the OR nurse came to get me, she was a very pleasant lady and she got me feeling comfortable by talking about my kids. She said something like " this is Sarah Pahl and she is with us today to have a rest from her busy life" hahaha because I have 2 busy boys. They got me all set up on the small operating table and started giving me some oxygen. Then I knew it wasn't oxygen she was giving me cause it was starting to make me feel woosey, kinda like the laughing gas I tried while in labour. I was about to ask her about the "oxygen" and I was out. four and a half hours later they were trying to wake me up. At that time I thought I had fainted while christmas shopping and they were just waking me up from fainting. For those who know me I used to faint frequently, so I am not new to this feeling. I had a hard time waking up, My eye's were soooo heavy and I was just shaking from the medication. I remember them asking if I had pain, and I must have signalled to them that I had pain. I heard one nurse say, how could she be in pain, and another nurse said, it did take longer then expected, I'm gonna push some fentanyl. Then I was back a sleep. soon to be woken up again by Dr. Gill. He said everything went perfect and my bite is now perfect, and said he was gonna call Micheal and tell him everything. I then was back asleep. Soon to be woken up again by the nurse saying "you need to wake up we are moving you to your room" I was able to keep my eyes open just long enough to see Micheal in the waiting room. I think I was even coherent enough to wave at him. needless to say, they didn't have any private or semi private rooms left, so I was in a 4 bed room, which I will tell you about tomorrow. I'm off to drink with my syringe and go to sleep. xoxo

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