Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 28 - Last day with the open bite

Today's the last day with my open bite. Bitter sweet feelings! I've grown attached to my weird mouth. I've grown accustom to cutting my apples before eating and not having lettuce or tomatoes on my burger's or sandwich's (who needs the healthy stuff anyways). I will have to relearn how to eat properly, hahaha with my mouth closed that is. I am how ever looking forward to not having pain in my face muscles and getting my braces off. When this whole procedure is over, and I have my pearly whites back and a perfect smile I'm gonna have a party, and serve every thing I couldn't eat or had trouble eating. Wanna come??? hahaha. Well today I hung out with my boys and enjoyed every minute with them. I wanted to spend quality time with them as I wont be seeing them at all tomorrow. Wow, thats kinda sad to say, my poor babies, I hope they are okay with out me. In between my family bonding time I had a date with the pre-admission nurse. She went over the surgery, checked my blood pressure and pulse, and
ask me questions about my health. I waited a while before telling her I am a nurse. I wanted to hear what she had to say with out skipping steps cause I already know it. Once I told her, she seemed a little embarrassed and said she wouldn't have explained things to me like I didn't know what they are. Man, they do treat you different when you are one of them. She also told me all about her kid and his separation anxiety and that she only occasionally works in the pre-admission clinic because if she did it every day she would loose her mind. It's so repetitive. It was a day of telling it how it is.These women saw me coming and just wanted to let it all out. Th woman at the lab was very ornery. I thought it was just the way she was, not happy with her job and only had a few years left till retirement. Before she poked me with the needle she confessed to me that she was due to go home at 4 which was in an hour and a half and she still hadn't had her last break. And the other girl there was going home in 2o mins and had been on her break for over 25 minutes, so this lady wasn't gonna be able to get her break before the other girlwent home in 20 mins. Geesh lady that is not my problem, suck it up and pretend to be happy till I'm gone. I have my own issues to worry about right now. Needless to say, she poked me and took 4 nice big vials of blood, which was uncomfortable cause she was right on the valve, which means she had to hold my elbow up to get the blood to flow. Man, have I said I am nervous about staying in langley. This lady is only the beginning of my concerns. Not to mention the hospital is old and not as inviting as surrey. I like my hospital, I like the lab people and the brightness of the hall ways and the newish decor. Every one keeps on reassuring me that my surgeon is the best, which is good, but he is only onepart of the equation. His job is only around 2 hrs long, then who knows about the other 22hrs. oh man oh man, I know it will be fine and Micheal will be with me most of the day, but it the last few hours when I get crazy and think about every little thing. So anyways, my wonderful husband and 2 boys and I, went out for my last full meal for a while. We went to boston pizza and shared a pepperoni pizza and a spicy perogie pizza. Both equally yummy. Filled my tummy with all this yummy goodness, now hopefully I can get some sleep tonight. Have to be up at 6am. no sleeping in for me thats for sure. Not sure when I will blog again, prob not tomorrow cause i'll be in the ghetto, with no wifi. But soon enough. xoxo
Ps. this is Micheal's wonderful stash at the end of movember. He is pretty proud of it, and he has gotten a lot of compliments :)

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