Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 5- Milk machine

As you all know, I am a mom of a bright energetic 3 year old and an even more energetic 7 month old. Hayden crawls, eats, pulls himself up, and gets into everything. I pledged to myself before he was born that I would breastfeed him for longer than Hudson. Hudson somewhat stopped himself around 7 months. You know the whole, not enough milk supply accompanied by the awkwardness of feeding a squirming baby in public. Yeah I probably could have tried harder, maybe, but really I could hardly pump any milk out. So this time around, this baby is getting his milk weather he likes it or not, and at the moment, he prefers real food to milk. He will eat what ever you give him, but give him breast milk and he will maybe only take 2 ounces at a time. weird, yes! but the paediatrician said it was still fine, cause I sneak it into him by ways of mixing it in his food. haha take that baby! Anyways to link this with my surgery countdown, ever since Hayden was a wee baby i took every opportunity I had to pump milk in preparation for the surgery that was lurking about. I burned through one pump and am on a very noisy, yet productive little pump. the noisy one just make it a little harder to watch TV while pumping. But now, I have my own milk bank. I may need to donate some of it to an actual milk bank because Hayden is certainly not going to get through all off the bags of milk before they expire. Needless to say, this is just one way that I have been preparing for the surgery that is in 24 days now! yikes, it will be here in no time, which is a scary thought. I don't think any amount of preparation will really prepare me for what i'm going to feel like before, after or during the surgery. Or what I'm going to look like and for how long. The Hunchback of Notradame maybe? or Quagmire from family guy? oh geez how the brain works. Don't worry about me and enjoy your evening xoxo
This picture doesn't do it justice!! It is actually very full