Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 9- Gotta love holiday friday's

Day 9, wow, who would have thought I could make it this long. Not me, never thought my life was interesting enough to blog every day. Haha, what was I thinking, sometimes I think I should have cameras following my everyday life, I think it is a lot more interesting than some of those reality shows that are out there. Anyways, today as I was lying in bed at 930am, yeah I know, that hardly ever happens now a days. I found myself being very thankful that today is a holiday, and Micheal was home to hangout with the early rising duo. It was a little less than a month ago that I was able to bring Hayden down stairs, put him in his bouncy chair, turn on PBS kids and get Hudson some chocolate milk, then climb back into my bed for a glorious hour of uninterrupted sleep. And it was the good kind of sleep, the kind that got you all warm and maybe a little drooly, the kind that when woken you feel disoriented and like you had been sleeping for much much longer. Yeah, those were the good ol days before Hayden began to crawl and climb up on anything that is climbable. He doesn't just sit nicely in a bouncy chair anymore, instead, he crawls everywhere and gets into everything. Which is a good thing I know, but when you are a sleep deprived mom of a baby that doesn't sleep through the night, you take all the sleep you can get, and now mine is down a whole hour. You may be thinking by now, "you just leave your baby in his bouncy chair alone, unattended". My answer to you would be, NO, he's not alone, he's got his very capable 3 year old brother with him. He is some one who can give him his soother and come wake up mom if he really starts to cry. Which might I add is hardly ever. He used to love that chair, he could get it bouncing pretty fast. Man the grow up fast, and with that is new milestones, which are awesome and exciting. I just sometimes wish when they start doing something new, they grow out of something else. for example, crawling around the house at 7am is wonderful, but with that should come sleeping through the night don't you think. It would make for a more fun and energetic morning mommy, instead of a dead to the world sleep on the couch mommy. hahaha I know it will get better, but WHEN is the ultimate question. Hudson didn't sleep through the night till he was 2, and even now he wakes up occasionally with achy legs. I know sleep will come as they age, and I definitely don't want them to grow up any faster than they already are. and who knows, maybe we will throw another kid in the mix along the way, and the process will start all over. So for now I am fine waking up tired as can be at the first sign of sunlight and enjoying my kids while they still want me around. Hope tonight is a good night for you all. xoxo

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