Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 23 - Whistler baby

Great day today! my baby woke up only once last night and Micheal isn't working obviously so I got to sleep in till 9am. Nice way to start off the day. We had a lovely stroll into the village, where Hudson had to climb to the top of all the snow piles and slide down. He also made snowmen and snow angels. He was so excited about the snow, like he had never seen it before. Got some new snow boots, that were much needed as I don't have any. Now I can play outside with my kids with out getting frozen feet :) Hayden looks soooo cute in his new black and grey plaid snowsuit, I will try to take a picture of him tomorrow hopefully. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened today. Just a nice lazy day with the family. Can't complain. Tomorrow is snowboarding day! Kinda nervous, I haven't boarded for a long time. Probably something like 2 years. We shall see how it goes. Well I'm off to bed, hopefully I can get some sleep. xoxo

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