Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 17 - Part 2 - Christmas time

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas around here. Well maybe not a lot, but a little. Micheal put the lights up outside, and in the tree. Which amazes our neighbours, last year they said it brought joy to their hearts to see the big tree lit up. I guess the previous owner must have been some what like Screuge, or just didn't have the money or didn't care to lit up the huge tree in the front yard. I have to admit, the tree has never looked better :) So other than the lights, we bought our second Christmas gift today. So what is that, 2 down only 40 more left, or it feels like that. Maybe its closer to 20. Never the less, there are 2 names crossed of the never ending list. My goal is/was to get all the shopping done before my surgery, but I'm not sure if that is going to happen anymore. There is only 12 days left until the big day, that is a lot of pressure. We haveso much going on between now and then, including a trip to whistler at the end of this week, a baby shower to get ready for, a Family Christmas dinner, not to mention countless appointments in order to be ready for the surgery. So I've decided if the shopping isn't done, Micheal will just have to brave the stores alone to get the last gifts. It wont be too bad, we looked through a lot of stores
today and got a handful of ideas, now we just have to wait for pay day to go and buy them. Another way it is looking like Christmas around here is the wonderful wreath I made. It matches the colors of my home perfectly. I didn't go with the traditional red, white and green colors. I thought I would mix it up and use my wall colors as inspiration. I made all all the flowers out of felt and wrapped the foam wreath in burlap. It looks awesome. I was able to make the wreath with the help of my wonderful sister - in - law Olivia. I got the idea from her blog, and instead of following the steps on her blog I got one better, She came to my house and gave me a personal tutorial. For the step by step guide on how to make felt poinsettia's please visit you wont regret it!

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