Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 4 - Home sweet home

It's day 4 and i'm going strong. I kinda like blogging every day, it forces me to sit down at the end of my day and reflect on the day, night or week. This week I am thankful. Thankful for family. Thankful for a family that is loving and strong. This weekend Micheal and I, and the boys along with my brothers family and my mom and dad went to whistler. We stayed in a nice hotel, walked the village, played at the park, drank starbucks in the nice red christmas cups, and spent quality family time sitting around a table eating! Yes, my family loves food. It is the thing that brings us all together, whether it be a baby shower, family christmas, a wedding, you name the occasion, by the end of the night we are all gathered around the food table chatting it up. Nothing brings people together better than food I say :) Anyways, one of my favorit parts of
going away, is coming home. Home to my own bed, home to my shower, home to my kids toys, and home to my couch. Man, you don't miss something until you don't have it, even if it is trivial things. Needless to say, when we got home we scarfed down our wendy's dinner and threw the kids in the bath, and put them to bed by 730. Now i have some time to spend on my wonderful comfy couch, before heading to bed myself. You guys should give blogging or journaling a try, you would be surprised with the outcome. you might learn something about yourself, or find a new respect for the little things from your day. xoxo

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