Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 13 - pre-op

Today was the big pre -op day. A day where I was told to bring my husband and bring all our questions. A day where is was supposed to be 1.5 hrs and turned out to be 3hrs. A day where i didn't get to take my baby to preschool. A day where I realized there are going to be many more days like this in the next few weeks. The surgeon went over the surgery procedures and recovery plan. I got given a lot of reading material, including a book called "dinner through a straw, without a straw", which seems very inciting. Haha totally joking, the thought of blending up a happy meal makes me dry heave. so gross, I think I'll stick to smoothies and add protein powder for added nutrients and calories. Today I learned that I will have titanium plates and screws permanently left in my mouth. But on a good note, I will not set off the metal detectors at the airport, for all of you who where just as worried about that as me :) I can still continue to travel as much as Iwant. This got me thinking, when the rapture happens, will the titanium plates be left behind in a nice pile on top my cloths on my bed? Yes, I have watched and read left behind. Anyways, I also learned today that I am a little more freaked out than I had lead myself to believe. As he was fiddling with this contraption on my face, I started picturing what it would be like when he was actually working on my mouth. It is such a small work area, and his hands are of normal man size, lets just say, I'm glad I will not be awake for this. I also learned that I can not keep a straight face when someone is starring and examining my face. I just started to laugh every time. It might have been a nervous laugh, but it also could have been my goofy nature. We will never know. All I know is that even though it was a long appointment of mold taking, wax bitting and poking and prodding I was glad Micheal was there. He was great comic relief and he was someone to talk to while the doctor was in and out of the room. It was great to have some one there to examine all the random people who went into the bingo hall, and make up fakestories about them. Yes I am one of those people. I believe everyone has a story, and when I don't know it, I make one up, those bingo going people are very interesting. While I was spying on them, from the 3rd floor of the building across the street, I noticed a lot of them took in lunch bags and personal pillows to sit on. They are in it for the day. It made me happy that I have a wonderful family, a sturdy job, a place where I can call home, and at that exact moment I was glad to have a comfy dentist chair to chilax in, cause I definitely didn't think about bringing a cushion to sit on for 3hrs. So all in all it was a day of learning, examining, poking and prodding and stressing. That is why I sit here alone during nap time enjoying a smallish bag ofDoritos sweet chili heat. Who needs to share.
He may end up being a TV junky like Micheal and I

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