Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 3- Movember

It was the first of november and my lovely husband came home from work, had a shower, shaved, you know the normal routine, nothing too crazy. He gave me a little kiss, again nothing
too crazy, and he made me feel how soft his chin was... ahhh nice no stubble. hahaha at the time I didn't notice that he had left the hair on his top lip. when I noticed a few minutes later I promptly asked him " what the heck is that about". he gave me that look like, what do you mean, every things normal over here. hahahaha a moustache is not a normal thing, it is something that old men sport, or creepy middle aged men, not young trying to be hip men. Geesh. He then continued to tell me him and my brother Jamie were growing moustaches for movember. I began to think, what!!!! I have to live with this on his face for a whole entire month, haha is this even possible. Well it turns out they are into this for the long haul. My brother made a group called the fantastic mo's on the official movmeber website and micheal joined as a team memeber. My brother looks like Nacho libre, hahaha it's really funny, and micheal, well he is still to be determined. I think I am slowly getting over my initial shock of the fur on the lip, it is, for a good cause, as it raises awareness for men's health. If any of you want to learn more about movember or to pledge for the team fantastic mo's please go to
If they make it through november I will be proud that they stuck with it and relieved that they can finally shave the rugs off.
As for me, this is my contribution, besides signing up as a mo sister, I can't grow a moustache, which is probably a good thing. Till tomorrow, xoxo

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