Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 day count down

I got this great idea from my sister in law, well sort of. she is doing 50 days of christmas. which got me thinking, "I wonder if I could blog everyday". So I decided to count down the days to my jaw surgery. I know it's not as exciting as christmas, but it is something to countdown to. hahaha I hope to make it interesting with fun snippets of my day to day life with my two wonderful little boys. I have a confession, It is actually 29 days till my surgery, but 30 days sounded better. So this being the first day of the count down I would like to share a few of the sewing projects my grandma and I have been working on.

Bandana bibs
I started this project by buying fabric for Hayden, and had some left over so I thought I would use it up for some last minute gift Ideas. I then realized that I did not have any girly fabrics, so I obviously had to get some girly ones too :)

Pillows for Hayden's room
These don't look like too much right now, but when the bench seat is done as well as more pillows, they will look fabulous :) I don't know if you can see, but there is a tiny sample of fabric in the corner of the picture. those are the wonderful curtains that will soon be hung, as soon as Mr. Micheal has some free time, can't wait!
So I hope the first day of the countdown didn't disappoint. till tomorrow, xoxo

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