Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 14 - One of those days

Today was one of those days where we stayed in Pj's all day. We played and played and played and played. We didn't leave the house all day. Needless to say, I am one tired momma. On days like today I some times imagine switching places with Micheal, just to get some alone time. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids to pieces, They just follow me every where. Can't do anything alone during the day. Some times I get an hour in the day to myself if they happen to go for a nap at the same time, but that is hit and miss. I think it wouldn't be too bad going to work in Micheal's place. doesn't seem to hard, he gets to listen to music, have his thoughts to himself, watch some You-tube videos, enjoy long drives alone. Geez seems inciting, and I think it would be good for Micheal to spend a long day with just the kids, following his every move and questioning his every word. Fun times. On days like today I take pleasure in having a shower once the kids are in bed. A quiet place where I can be alone with my thoughts, and washing the crazyness of the day away. Stepping out of the shower I felt like a new woman, a woman that can conquer anything that is thrown my way. A woman who for a few hours doesn't smell like baby food or sour milk and has clean clothes. Wow, the power of the shower is amazing. At the end of days like today I am happy to say that I spent quality time with my kids. I learned that Hudson is just as silly as I am, maybe even sillier. He loves to play with his little brother and help with his care. I noticed that he likes to sing, The song of the day was the theme song from Duck Tales, and when he sings he can help but wiggle his body. Hayden amazed me with his super crawling and climbing skills. He can climb up on what ever gets in his way and he uses any surface to pull himself up to standing. He does however needs to learn how to fall with grace, instead of falling on his head. At least momma was there to pick him up every time. I learned that he loves Hudson, he needs to know where he's at at all times and has to be where he is, playing with his toys, cause baby toys just don't cut it any more. Man, when did he grow into such a little boy, my little baby is hardly there any more. So, even though my day was full of crazy playing and no moment alone, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Well maybe a day of pampering might be nice, but I never would do life over differently. xoxo

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