Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 8 - Out of the ordinary

Today is something to write about. I stepped out of my ordinary routine and into a bit of excitement. My Friend Des Larson is a great young original singer song writer. You can check out his music on you-tube or itunes.
Anyways, he tried out for Canada's Got Talent and made it to round 2, which means that who
ever knows him gets tickets for the live taping. Woohoo fun times. I must say, if being part of a live audience was a career I would be totally in. This has been my second TV show that I've sat in on and it is so fun!! The first show was Jimmy Fallon, totally different type of show, but still super cool and a lot of fun. So, my mom and I decided that we would go on an adventure to watch the show. We took the sky train, to Granville station and walked 2 blocks to The Vancouver Performing Arts Center. I am so glad I have an iphone, as it lead me directly to The Center without getting lost in Vancouver's concrete jungle. We stood in line with all the other fans and finally made it into the building. There we got to be part of several cuts of the opening scene, where the host tried different lines and the camera changed it's angle. You probably can see me right in front of the host holding a purple sign! yeah i'm cool like that, hahaha Kathleen actually made the signs, I was lucky enough to hold one. There were a lot of DES fans which is awesome!!! Way to represent :) When we finally got to move to our seats, we were upfront
close to the stage, I could see every act very well.
So all of you who know the show, know there are some awful acts just for ratings, hahaha and yes we saw a few of those today, but most of the people we saw made it to the next round, Canada's certainly got some talent, thats all I have to say. The X's are sooooo loud when they go off, they made me jump every time, crazy, kinda happy the judges didn't X too often. Like I said before, Canada's got some talent :) After the show we went out to White Spot, cause we were all starving from having no lunch. I sat next to my best cousin Jeff (hahaha told you i'd blog about you) and learned that some people eat weird things. What do you think of this, an ice-cream and ginger- ale float. Weird I say! whats wrong with the normal coke float, or a milkshake, everyone knows White Spot makes Great milkshakes. I think I'm going to add white spot milkshakes to the list of food/drinks I'm going to ingest while recovering from the surgery. well, sorry I can't disclose too much about the acts of today, but you will see it soon enough, in March to be exact. Be sure to look for me in the audience, I'm the cute blond girl holding a purple sign :p

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