Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 26 - Home sweet home

Home sweet home! Got home right after lunch. It is so nice to fall onto my nice comfy couch and watch my shows on my PVR and put my kids to bed in their own beds for nap time. I'm not complaining at all, I had a fun time in whistler. It is nice to have Micheal around 24/7 to share the parenting tasks. I knew where he was and didn't have to wonder when he was gonna get home. I didn't have to wonder if he was gonna make it home before bed time or what to make for dinner. But it is nice to be home, there is just something about coming home that is so comforting and familiar. So anyways, on a different note I have some good news! I have crossed a few more people off my christmas shopping list. 5 more people to be exact, so add that to my other 2 and I'm 7 gifts down around 15 more to go! Which doesn't seem like such a big deal. I'm gonna try to get a few more done before thursday then the rest I can leave up to Micheal. He can have the EASY ones (wink wink), hahaha his mom, dad, rod and our boys :) I must say, getting 4 gifts today got me into the christmas shopping spirit! I came home happy and filled with excitement. I should have kept shopping, I was on a roll could have done it all in one day, hahaha just have to wait till pay day again. I might try some on-line shopping, I like shopping from the comfort of my own home. Might take advantage of cyber monday, ooohooohooo, never shopped on cyber monday before. We shall see if I find any good deals. xoxo

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