Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 6 - Perogie time!!

Yes, I do admit that I have a lot Ukrainian in me, which allows me to LOVE perogies. I mean I can down more than 8 in one sitting. They are so good. Well today my lovely grandma came over to my moms house for a perogie making party! She had already made the dough and the potato filling. And the lovely lady that she is, she takes it one step further and rolls the potato filling into perfect bite size balls as to make it easy to wrap the dough around. So we stood around my moms Island and made 300 perogies, with a few tea breaks in between. We have a pretty good perogie making system. Everyone has there routines or ways of rolling the dough, ect. We do it like this: Cut of pieces of dough, roll it into perfect balls, roll them flat with a rolling pin, then place the potato in the center and pinch like crazy around the sides to seal in the potato goodness. the pinching is my job, I must say I do a pretty darn good job, none ofthem came open while boiling. If you don't know, boiling is the ultimate test of the pinch. If it is not done right the potato will fall out into the boiling water and leave you with an empty bite of dough. making you drool yet? Well let me continue, once the perogies are boiled, you then put them into butter and onions, mmmmm yummy and definitely not fattening at all. hahaha we serve it up right with Ukrainian sausage, salted pork and sour cream. oh yeah, the ultimate feast. For desert I tried a new thing. We had some left over dough so I thought it would be yummy to have desert perogies. This was not a new idea, as Micheal and I have been talking about having a desert perogie night, but it just has yet to happen. So I stuffed some full of banana and some with apple/cinnamon. Both options were so delicious. I topped the banana ones off with chocolate sauce and whipped cream, and the the apple ones with caramel sauceand whipped cream. Can you sense a trend? everything tastes good with whipped cream :) well I'm off to digest my super yummy filling dinner. xoxo

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