Sunday, December 18, 2011

Post op day 17

30 screws and 6 plates later, I have a perfect bite!

So it has been just over 2 weeks since the surgery. I still have swelling in my cheeks and have numbness from my top lip to just under my eye. The pain is under control, still have occasional lightening bolts of pain, but they leave as fast as they come. I only have to use the syringe for cold thinks like milk shakes and booster juice, because they are too cold for my front teeth. My main utensil is a mug. I can sip anything from it; soup, tea, coffee, juice, any thing liquid, I can sip it :) I just started sipping my soup from the spoon, I'll have that mastered in no time. I tried stuffing some perogie filling through the tiny gap in my mouth, haha didn't work too well as I can only open my mouth about 2mm. Still progress right. Maybe next week I will be able to down some mashed potatoes and candied yams. mmmmm that would be so delish, a change from my regular diet of drinkable yogurt, juice and soup. As for my activity level, I can say that I do not spend my days lounging around the couch anymore. It's sad, I know, I was starting to like not ever leaving my house. That was until I saw the Surgeon on tuesday and he said I should get out more. Part of the reason of staying in was because I didn't want people staring at me. But now I have been out to the musical White Christmas, the mall, to church and to 2 restaurants. And I must say, people only stare when I talk. Hahaha some have a hard time understanding and others just look at me in wonder or pity wondering what happened. I've gotten over it now, people can think what they want. Soon I will be able to eat and talk better than ever. I dream of the day I can eat a sandwich with lettuce on it, pizza with the toppings on every bite, not just the first bite, and bite into an apple instead of cutting it up. I know this day will soon arrive, I think that is what moves me forward each day. Well incase I don't get to blogging between now and Christmas, as it is in 7 DAYS!!! Have a merry Christmas! xoxo

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