Friday, January 6, 2012

It's been 5 WEEKS

It's hard to imagine that 5 weeks ago I was lying in a hospital bed trying to sleep. Crazy, that it has gone by so fast. Not gonna lie, 5 weeks ago it felt like time was standing still. It took forever to get out of the hospital, and then at home I would just wait for night time because that meant that I was one day closer to it all being over. At day 3 I thought it would never end, but luckily on day 4, I started believe that one day it would be over. Now at week 5, I see the end in site. There is still some swelling in my cheeks and I can now fit one finger into my mouth!! Progress, I know so exciting right :) this means that I can fit a bit more stuff into my mouth to eat. Stuff like; Kraft dinner, yam fries, pancakes, eggs, bread and soft cake. My appetite is still pretty much the same, small, and I do normally still only eat yogurt and soup, but that is partially due to the fact that its all I have in the house that I can eat. I usually indulge in the good stuff listed above when I go out the a restaurant or to someones house. And by eat, I mean chew it once or twice before swallowing. I think after monday when the plastic splint comes out, I may be able to chew more efficiently and it wont feel so weird. As for pain, it has mainly all subsided unless one of my kids or micheal hits my face by accident, or if I yawn or smile too much. My smile is kinda funny actually, cause it looks like I had a mini stroke, because one side is more numb than the other so when I smile it just stays put, as the other side smiles. I find it kinda funny when I smile at myself in the mirror. Its hard to say if my profile or face has really changed due to the remaining swelling and numbness. But I'm pretty sure you all will still be able to recognize me when you see me. On that note, I'm sure I will see you when I see you. xoxo

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