Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year - 4 weeks post op

Let me just start with a big HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope your christmas was as full as mine was. We had day after day of fun family gatherings starting on the 23rd and ending last night, New Years Eve. We are so blessed to be surrounded by so many loving family members. We even had the chance this year to celebrate with some family members from out of town, which was lovely. My parents stayed here for the holidays instead of heading down south, which added more fun and enjoyment to the mix. This just meant, that we actually celebrated Christmas with everyone else instead of in early December, like usual. It was also nice for a change to see them on New Years Eve, instead of talking to them over the phone 4 hours early. Micheal
mentioned yesterday that it had been 3 years since we brought in the New Year with them, and that was when we were down in the Carribean with them. Just an interesting tidbit. Anyways, my kids were blessed with some great gifts, Hudson plays with his transformers everyday, he went from having 1, to having a collection of 4. He is pretty happy about that as well as, his sweet new game collection. So if any one is looking for something to do, you can always come play a game or 2 with him, he would love it! We haven't opened them all up yet, but his favorite one so far is Hungry Hungry Hippo. hahaha so much fun. As for Hayden, he likes playing with the toys Hudson got, which is typical, but I must say, his Baba got him a pretty awesome pair of Toms that he can't wait to wear. Micheal got a sweet pellet gun, which hopefully help with my spring time bird problem. haha, here's hoping they closed up the ventthe right way this year so I wont have to use it. And I got a sewing machine and some other lovely things. A sewing machine you say? haha I know, what am I gonna do with it? Well I hope to have time one day to actually take it out of the box, and maybe the creative juices will just start to flow. I do have some unfinished projects that I could work on, like Hudson's quilt, or Hayden's bench seat. But maybe there is something new out there. Something simple and can be finished in one sitting so I can feel a sense of accomplishment. We shall see I guess. Enough about gifts, whats new with my jaw? Well, it has been just over 4 weeks since I had jaw surgery to fix my bite. I now take the elastics off too eat. Eat you say? Well I guess mainly soup, but I have recently tried some whole wheat flat bread dipped in some yummy dips, which just melted in my mouth, as well as, finely cut pasta and pesto Alfredo sauce, which was like a party in my mouth. Oh my, I am afraid of what will happen when I can finally eat food normally again. Will I gain back all the weight I have lost in a day? I hope that I will take it easy, and eat healthy and Indulge only every once and a while. I am happy with the weight I am at right now. I can finally fit My jeans, and they fit perfectly, not too tight or too big, just right. I can't wait till I can get back to the gym to get some muscle definition and for summer, to get my tan on. I haven't set any New Year's goals persay. I just want to get all healed up, get my braces off, and enjoy a normal life. Well, how normal is my life really? xoxo

My new indulgence, It is just thin enough to fit into my mouth

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