Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 28 - Last day with the open bite

Today's the last day with my open bite. Bitter sweet feelings! I've grown attached to my weird mouth. I've grown accustom to cutting my apples before eating and not having lettuce or tomatoes on my burger's or sandwich's (who needs the healthy stuff anyways). I will have to relearn how to eat properly, hahaha with my mouth closed that is. I am how ever looking forward to not having pain in my face muscles and getting my braces off. When this whole procedure is over, and I have my pearly whites back and a perfect smile I'm gonna have a party, and serve every thing I couldn't eat or had trouble eating. Wanna come??? hahaha. Well today I hung out with my boys and enjoyed every minute with them. I wanted to spend quality time with them as I wont be seeing them at all tomorrow. Wow, thats kinda sad to say, my poor babies, I hope they are okay with out me. In between my family bonding time I had a date with the pre-admission nurse. She went over the surgery, checked my blood pressure and pulse, and
ask me questions about my health. I waited a while before telling her I am a nurse. I wanted to hear what she had to say with out skipping steps cause I already know it. Once I told her, she seemed a little embarrassed and said she wouldn't have explained things to me like I didn't know what they are. Man, they do treat you different when you are one of them. She also told me all about her kid and his separation anxiety and that she only occasionally works in the pre-admission clinic because if she did it every day she would loose her mind. It's so repetitive. It was a day of telling it how it is.These women saw me coming and just wanted to let it all out. Th woman at the lab was very ornery. I thought it was just the way she was, not happy with her job and only had a few years left till retirement. Before she poked me with the needle she confessed to me that she was due to go home at 4 which was in an hour and a half and she still hadn't had her last break. And the other girl there was going home in 2o mins and had been on her break for over 25 minutes, so this lady wasn't gonna be able to get her break before the other girlwent home in 20 mins. Geesh lady that is not my problem, suck it up and pretend to be happy till I'm gone. I have my own issues to worry about right now. Needless to say, she poked me and took 4 nice big vials of blood, which was uncomfortable cause she was right on the valve, which means she had to hold my elbow up to get the blood to flow. Man, have I said I am nervous about staying in langley. This lady is only the beginning of my concerns. Not to mention the hospital is old and not as inviting as surrey. I like my hospital, I like the lab people and the brightness of the hall ways and the newish decor. Every one keeps on reassuring me that my surgeon is the best, which is good, but he is only onepart of the equation. His job is only around 2 hrs long, then who knows about the other 22hrs. oh man oh man, I know it will be fine and Micheal will be with me most of the day, but it the last few hours when I get crazy and think about every little thing. So anyways, my wonderful husband and 2 boys and I, went out for my last full meal for a while. We went to boston pizza and shared a pepperoni pizza and a spicy perogie pizza. Both equally yummy. Filled my tummy with all this yummy goodness, now hopefully I can get some sleep tonight. Have to be up at 6am. no sleeping in for me thats for sure. Not sure when I will blog again, prob not tomorrow cause i'll be in the ghetto, with no wifi. But soon enough. xoxo
Ps. this is Micheal's wonderful stash at the end of movember. He is pretty proud of it, and he has gotten a lot of compliments :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 27 - Christmas party

An oldy but a goody : Aren't they the cutest :)

Today was the annual Yaroshuk Christmas party. I know it is early to be having a Christmas party but it works for us. Normally it is at some ones house and we all bring something to contribute to making a great turkey dinner. Every year a different family has the task of planning the party. Normally it would be at their house, but last year uncle Daniel decided to change it up and have it at a restaurant because his house is too small to entertain all of us. We had words to say about that, but we all made it out to the New York steak house in Langley, and managed to have a fun time. This year it was the Inksters turn to plan the event. And again it was in a restaurant, this time because uncle Jerry didn't want kids running around his house. Which I don't really blame him, it can be stressful having a bunch of people in your home especially with young kids. Still, its not the same as having the traditional turkey dinner in the comfort of someones home. With a christmas tree, christmas music and more space to mingle with one another. This year we went with greek food, at the New york New york restaurant. It didn't disappoint thats for sure, I had the usual chicken suvlaki with no rice, extra salad. Mmmmm so good. I sure doesn't feel like christmas having it at a restaurant. It's more like an excuse to get together and catch up with each other. We have a pretty big family, all with our different schedules and normally only see each other at weddings or baby showers. I think it's nice to have another reason to get together, we are a pretty fun loving family, with always something to talk about. Not to mention extremely good looking :) There are both pros and cons to having it at a restaurant, I'm not gonna spell them out now, but one pro is that I have an excuse to get a babysitter and enjoy a meal without having to spoon feed a baby or fight with a toddler to eat ALL his food. Not to mention, this is the second year in a row that my kid is sick with an ear infection. What is up with that! This time it is Hayden, but still, crazy! So all in all it was a good night, stuffed myself full with great food and conversation, both which I will be missing in one short day :( Hope tonight's sleep is better than last night. xoxo

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 26 - Home sweet home

Home sweet home! Got home right after lunch. It is so nice to fall onto my nice comfy couch and watch my shows on my PVR and put my kids to bed in their own beds for nap time. I'm not complaining at all, I had a fun time in whistler. It is nice to have Micheal around 24/7 to share the parenting tasks. I knew where he was and didn't have to wonder when he was gonna get home. I didn't have to wonder if he was gonna make it home before bed time or what to make for dinner. But it is nice to be home, there is just something about coming home that is so comforting and familiar. So anyways, on a different note I have some good news! I have crossed a few more people off my christmas shopping list. 5 more people to be exact, so add that to my other 2 and I'm 7 gifts down around 15 more to go! Which doesn't seem like such a big deal. I'm gonna try to get a few more done before thursday then the rest I can leave up to Micheal. He can have the EASY ones (wink wink), hahaha his mom, dad, rod and our boys :) I must say, getting 4 gifts today got me into the christmas shopping spirit! I came home happy and filled with excitement. I should have kept shopping, I was on a roll could have done it all in one day, hahaha just have to wait till pay day again. I might try some on-line shopping, I like shopping from the comfort of my own home. Might take advantage of cyber monday, ooohooohooo, never shopped on cyber monday before. We shall see if I find any good deals. xoxo

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 25 - Rainy day

It was a typical west coast day today in whistler. There was rain, rain, and more rain. So glad I had my great warm + water proof lulu jacket. It was totally worth the money I spent for it last year. I must say, I didn't go crazy shopping this time around. Kept it pretty low key. Gotta save my money for christmas presents, it's hard being on a mat leave budget. Can't complain though because I get to spend quality time with my 3 favourite boys every single day. Don't know what I'm gonna do when I go back to work. I'm gonna miss their fun spirits, laughter and smiles. But I don't have to think about for 4 more months. Oh my goodness, only 4 more months, it goes by WAY too fast. Talking about way too fast, 29 days is going by too fast. There is only 4 more days till the surgery. Getting more nervous everyday. My oral surgeon called me yesterday at 830pm to see if I could come in before the surgery to double check some measurements. Oh my, kinda freaked me out when I saw his number, I thought maybe he was gonna say he has to postpone it or something. Anyways, I plan to fill the last few days with tons and tons of fun and excitement, before I am cooped up in my house till the swelling and colour goes down. Who knows how long that will take. The idea is to busy myself so I don't have time to think about what is to come. So i'm off to stuff my face with cheesies and do some much needed chillaxing on the couch. xoxo

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 24 - Snow day

Today I went snowboarding for the first time in a long time. I was nervous going up the lift, I was nervous before getting off the lift, but I didn't fall when getting off the lift and I made it down the mountain in one piece. The first run was crazy and scary, so annie and I decided to try out the green circle run, and we loved it! We wanted to stay on that run all day, but we were talked into trying another one that was NOT good. well it was fine, but the chair lift was scary. It was windy and snowy, and long, very long. A good thing that came from the long ride is we met a nice girl from from Australia, well how weird is that, seems like every one on the mountain is from Australia. We shared our secrets as we weren't sure we were gonna make it to the top of the mountain. Yes, it was a huge snow storm, very scary!
Lets just say I was glad Micheal had bought me a cool striped face mask during our bathroom break. It kept my face nice and warm during the storm :) Obviously we made it to the top and we made it back the the house, cause I am writing this post. Anyways, lets just say the day wouldn't be over without an embarrassing moment, that I'm sure everyone on the mountain witnessed. It probably would have scored lots of hits on you-tube if someone happened to be filming the chair lift at the time. All i'm gonna say is, I blame Micheal. I always get on the chairlift on the left side. Thats just my thing, I know how to get on and off like a pro on the left. But Micheal likes to change it up, which was not to my advantage. It was the talk of the house when we got back. Micheal's dad said it was the funniest thing he had ever seen, and I couldn't stop laughing. So anyways, when we got back to the house my precious little baby was waiting for me. He missed me :) which made me feel so special. I haven't left him for a whole day since the summer. What a cute little boy I have. And no I did not get a pic of him in his cute snowsuit yet, wasn't home all day. Maybe tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, I'm not sure how much I will be doing as I am super tired and sore already! This is the only time I wish there was a hot tub. Normally I hate getting wet and a swimsuit on. Was happy that there is instant heat here. All 6 of us could have nice warm/hot showers:) I'm off to bed, could hardly keep my eyes open during dinner. xoxo

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 23 - Whistler baby

Great day today! my baby woke up only once last night and Micheal isn't working obviously so I got to sleep in till 9am. Nice way to start off the day. We had a lovely stroll into the village, where Hudson had to climb to the top of all the snow piles and slide down. He also made snowmen and snow angels. He was so excited about the snow, like he had never seen it before. Got some new snow boots, that were much needed as I don't have any. Now I can play outside with my kids with out getting frozen feet :) Hayden looks soooo cute in his new black and grey plaid snowsuit, I will try to take a picture of him tomorrow hopefully. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened today. Just a nice lazy day with the family. Can't complain. Tomorrow is snowboarding day! Kinda nervous, I haven't boarded for a long time. Probably something like 2 years. We shall see how it goes. Well I'm off to bed, hopefully I can get some sleep. xoxo

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 22 - closer

Its getting closer and closer to the surgery date. This time next week I will be sitting in a hospital bed at Langley memorial with ice packs wrapped around my face. I will probably/ hopefully be nicely drugged and watching one of my fave chick flicks, maybe 13 going on 30, 27 dresses or 2 weeks notice. hahaha maybe i'll get them all in before I go home on friday morning. I'm sure I will get a lot more movie watching done in the next 3 weeks. Wow!!! I have to admit, I have watched some you - tube renditions of the jaw surgery. Kinda cool, but super freaky at the same time. Any ways, sorry I didn't post yesterday I was busy yet again. I have to get all my fun in before I am stuck at home, in hiding like some outcast. So yesterday I got these very attractive hooks attached to my braces wires. Which took a whole hour or so. In the
evening I went down town with my sister in law Annie, for a fun filled night of high heals and fashion. We were guests at the Blanche Macdonald's grad 2011 fashion show. It was a fun excuse to get dressed up and hit the town. Again I'm so glad to have the iphone. The map app worked wonders and we found our way without a hitch :) To top it off, at the end of the night we of course got some late night mcd's. We shared a 2 cheese burger meal. Mmmmm so yummy. Now we are away in whistler for the weekend. It is a winter wonderland here, very pretty with the trees all lit up. So till tomorrow xoxo

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 20 - Party rockin

Sorry about no post yesterday. I was busy hosting a rockin baby shower. Great decor, treats, games, guests and gifts. Oh and did I mention prizes! What more can one ask for :) I think everyone enjoyed them selves. Here are some pics of the event:

The great drinking glasses, complete with paper straws

The wonderful prizes

The lovely game centre, and a wonderful words of wisdom tree

The yummy food table stalked with all the essentials

Lets just say Amanda and I have fun planning events. If you ever need idea's for a party or just want someone to plan an event, just ask us :) Amanda has a crafty blog you can check out at You wont be sorry. xoxo

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 18 - Sunday

Sunday, sunday, sunday. I love sundays, sleeping in, family time, going to church together, chilaxing on the couch, ect. Most sundays ARE like that, today was not. Micheal had to leave before 7am because he played the drums for both morning services. So that means, no sleeping in for mommy, and lately Hayden has been waking up at 645am. That is WAY to early. I brought him into my room to play while I slept. My plan didn't work, he is such a busy little boy climbing things and falling off them. So no sleep for mommy today! Church was the normal goodness, Hudson asked to go straight to kids church when we got there, which was GREAT, and Hayden had a fun time in the nursery like always! SO the chilaxing on the couch part never happened, well until now (830pm). I was busy scouring the forest for tree branches, collecting leaves, making tags and paper cones, and tidying up the place! Yes very busy, but I'm glad that it is all done. This means that tomorrow all I have to do is wash the floors during nap time, and put out the food, right before the baby shower. AWESOME :) I am pretty happy with my branch finds, it is being used for a great idea for the baby shower, can't disclose it right now as some party goers might be reading this post. But it is a lovely idea. I will have picture tomorrow for sure :) I know this is a short and to the point post, but I am super tired and need to get to my chilaxing. xoxo

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 17 - Part 2 - Christmas time

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas around here. Well maybe not a lot, but a little. Micheal put the lights up outside, and in the tree. Which amazes our neighbours, last year they said it brought joy to their hearts to see the big tree lit up. I guess the previous owner must have been some what like Screuge, or just didn't have the money or didn't care to lit up the huge tree in the front yard. I have to admit, the tree has never looked better :) So other than the lights, we bought our second Christmas gift today. So what is that, 2 down only 40 more left, or it feels like that. Maybe its closer to 20. Never the less, there are 2 names crossed of the never ending list. My goal is/was to get all the shopping done before my surgery, but I'm not sure if that is going to happen anymore. There is only 12 days left until the big day, that is a lot of pressure. We haveso much going on between now and then, including a trip to whistler at the end of this week, a baby shower to get ready for, a Family Christmas dinner, not to mention countless appointments in order to be ready for the surgery. So I've decided if the shopping isn't done, Micheal will just have to brave the stores alone to get the last gifts. It wont be too bad, we looked through a lot of stores
today and got a handful of ideas, now we just have to wait for pay day to go and buy them. Another way it is looking like Christmas around here is the wonderful wreath I made. It matches the colors of my home perfectly. I didn't go with the traditional red, white and green colors. I thought I would mix it up and use my wall colors as inspiration. I made all all the flowers out of felt and wrapped the foam wreath in burlap. It looks awesome. I was able to make the wreath with the help of my wonderful sister - in - law Olivia. I got the idea from her blog, and instead of following the steps on her blog I got one better, She came to my house and gave me a personal tutorial. For the step by step guide on how to make felt poinsettia's please visit you wont regret it!

Day 17 - Let down

Sorry guys, I let you down. But of course I have an excuse, I was busy all day helping get ready for a wonderful feast for my father - in - laws 50th party. There was SO much food, from ribs to schwardies, to caesar salad and beans, to coleslaw and corn bread! It was definitely a mans meal. So between helping cutting up food, making decorations for the baby shower that i'm hosting on monday, rocking my baby to sleep, and getting myself ready for the party, I had no spare time. Then we got home late from the party, and I went straight to bed as I was super tired from my busy day. So today, I have decided to blog 2 times to make up for yesterdays absence. So, through the busyness of my day yesterday I still found time to enjoy my 2 favourite boys. We had breakie together, and enjoyed some of our favourite morning tv together, dinosaur train and super why. They are the 2 I can handle, sid the science kids just annoys me, and creates a lot of questions. For example, why are there only 4 kids in the class?, is it becausethey are slower learners? There has to be some thing wrong with Meg, and the list goes on. Then comes wild krats. It is a pretty cool show, and I learn a lot from it, but I think its a little too old for Hudson. There is always a part that scares him, but he still watches, but with his hands over his ears. hahaha silly guy. I think it's kinda weird that it comes on at 1030, the kids that are old enough to watch it should be in school. Anyways, thats just one opinion. I'm off to eat some breakie. xoxo My favourite boys watching super why

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 15 - Micheal

Micheal, Micheal, Micheal. Have I mentioned that I am lucky to have my best friend living with me, sharing every memory with me and loving life with me. His name is Micheal, yeah I know he has a hard job of being my bestie, my husband and a daddy. Some of you who don't know him too well might see him as a bit stand offish or grumpy. Thats just his scare tactic, he doesn't want just any mindless conversation or friendship, to him it has to be whole hearted and meaningful. what the point of wasting time with unneeded chitchat. Point taken, I could use some pointers from him, whats the point of having tons of friends that are just surface deep? There isn't really, I think a handful of good close friends seems more permanent, committed. Something you might not know about him is that every night he watches me press the "publish post" button and then quickly grabs the Ipad to read my blog, so cute right :) I know, he is pretty nice and perfect, but still I am nervous to spend the night at the hospital, leaving him home alone with the kids all night long. I have never left my baby over night, and I never dreamed that it would be because I was in the hospital. I thought it would have been a weekend away some where nice like whistler or victoria. But I guess there always has to be a first time, and a second and third time too :) I know they'll do find without me, but it is hard to think about what will go on when I'm not there, and I will probably never know. Which is probably for the best. Anyways, I'm off to eat my sweet chilli doritos and watch the much anticipated thursday night TV. xoxo

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 14 - One of those days

Today was one of those days where we stayed in Pj's all day. We played and played and played and played. We didn't leave the house all day. Needless to say, I am one tired momma. On days like today I some times imagine switching places with Micheal, just to get some alone time. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids to pieces, They just follow me every where. Can't do anything alone during the day. Some times I get an hour in the day to myself if they happen to go for a nap at the same time, but that is hit and miss. I think it wouldn't be too bad going to work in Micheal's place. doesn't seem to hard, he gets to listen to music, have his thoughts to himself, watch some You-tube videos, enjoy long drives alone. Geez seems inciting, and I think it would be good for Micheal to spend a long day with just the kids, following his every move and questioning his every word. Fun times. On days like today I take pleasure in having a shower once the kids are in bed. A quiet place where I can be alone with my thoughts, and washing the crazyness of the day away. Stepping out of the shower I felt like a new woman, a woman that can conquer anything that is thrown my way. A woman who for a few hours doesn't smell like baby food or sour milk and has clean clothes. Wow, the power of the shower is amazing. At the end of days like today I am happy to say that I spent quality time with my kids. I learned that Hudson is just as silly as I am, maybe even sillier. He loves to play with his little brother and help with his care. I noticed that he likes to sing, The song of the day was the theme song from Duck Tales, and when he sings he can help but wiggle his body. Hayden amazed me with his super crawling and climbing skills. He can climb up on what ever gets in his way and he uses any surface to pull himself up to standing. He does however needs to learn how to fall with grace, instead of falling on his head. At least momma was there to pick him up every time. I learned that he loves Hudson, he needs to know where he's at at all times and has to be where he is, playing with his toys, cause baby toys just don't cut it any more. Man, when did he grow into such a little boy, my little baby is hardly there any more. So, even though my day was full of crazy playing and no moment alone, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Well maybe a day of pampering might be nice, but I never would do life over differently. xoxo

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 13 - pre-op

Today was the big pre -op day. A day where I was told to bring my husband and bring all our questions. A day where is was supposed to be 1.5 hrs and turned out to be 3hrs. A day where i didn't get to take my baby to preschool. A day where I realized there are going to be many more days like this in the next few weeks. The surgeon went over the surgery procedures and recovery plan. I got given a lot of reading material, including a book called "dinner through a straw, without a straw", which seems very inciting. Haha totally joking, the thought of blending up a happy meal makes me dry heave. so gross, I think I'll stick to smoothies and add protein powder for added nutrients and calories. Today I learned that I will have titanium plates and screws permanently left in my mouth. But on a good note, I will not set off the metal detectors at the airport, for all of you who where just as worried about that as me :) I can still continue to travel as much as Iwant. This got me thinking, when the rapture happens, will the titanium plates be left behind in a nice pile on top my cloths on my bed? Yes, I have watched and read left behind. Anyways, I also learned today that I am a little more freaked out than I had lead myself to believe. As he was fiddling with this contraption on my face, I started picturing what it would be like when he was actually working on my mouth. It is such a small work area, and his hands are of normal man size, lets just say, I'm glad I will not be awake for this. I also learned that I can not keep a straight face when someone is starring and examining my face. I just started to laugh every time. It might have been a nervous laugh, but it also could have been my goofy nature. We will never know. All I know is that even though it was a long appointment of mold taking, wax bitting and poking and prodding I was glad Micheal was there. He was great comic relief and he was someone to talk to while the doctor was in and out of the room. It was great to have some one there to examine all the random people who went into the bingo hall, and make up fakestories about them. Yes I am one of those people. I believe everyone has a story, and when I don't know it, I make one up, those bingo going people are very interesting. While I was spying on them, from the 3rd floor of the building across the street, I noticed a lot of them took in lunch bags and personal pillows to sit on. They are in it for the day. It made me happy that I have a wonderful family, a sturdy job, a place where I can call home, and at that exact moment I was glad to have a comfy dentist chair to chilax in, cause I definitely didn't think about bringing a cushion to sit on for 3hrs. So all in all it was a day of learning, examining, poking and prodding and stressing. That is why I sit here alone during nap time enjoying a smallish bag ofDoritos sweet chili heat. Who needs to share.
He may end up being a TV junky like Micheal and I

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 12- PVR

Gotta say, I love the invention of the PVR. No more missed shows, or having to plan your day around show times, or even watching commercials. All are things of the past. I have to admit that we are a regular TV watching family, well mostly once the kids are in bed, and I do have some shows micheal will not watch, so thats what nap time is for :) I think if we didn't have a PVR we might use our time differently, but who knows what that would be, cause we have a PVR and it is not going any where. Anyways, thursdays are the most jam packed TV nights, good think we don't have to watch the commercials, or we would be up way later than we should be. Come to think of it, Wednesday night are pretty awesome this year, with Modern family and up all night. Both shows get me laughing my face off, sometimes so hard that tears start coming. Oh the joys of TV :) Anyways, I'm gonna go watch some monday night TV and each some chips and dip. Yeah I said it! haha ever since I blogged about it yesterday I couldn't
get the thought of chips out of my mind. So my lovely Husband brought some home after getting gas. he must love me :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 11 - Snack Time

I don't know about you, but I love to snack, especially on things that are not good for you. My favourite is chips! mmmmm plain ripple chips and dip, soooo good. I could snack on that every day, but I don't. I rarely even have it in my house, its usually a christmas snack time thing. Anyways, I have lots of things I like to snack on at different times during the day. For instance, I love afternoon tea and chocolate during my kids nap time. hahaha might be so I don't have to share the chocolate with my little candy monster, but also because chocolate and regular red rose tea is delicious :). And chips, I can eat those anytime, usually after dinner while watching TV. I do like all sorts of flavours, from doritos to all dressed, to jalapeneo and cheddar. But again, i haven't had chips int he house for a while, which is kinda sad, my TV watching evenings are missing something. I think the worst of my snacking was after I had Hayden. Micheal and I would put the kids to bed and get out our favourite flavour of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. We would alternate between "if i had 100,000,000 flavors" and "half baked". When we were out we would take turns going to the corner store to buy another one. Man, we had something good going on, it's no wonder it took longer to loose the baby weight this time around. needless to say, we no longer have a freezer full of ice cream or a closet full of chips, which is sad and a little depressing. But its for the good, well at least thats what I keep telling myself, constant snacking is not good for our health or our waist line. But with all that said, I've been thinking, with my up coming surgery shouldn't I be bulking up and eating all the junk now, so I can start clean after the surgery?! The way I see it, after the surgery I wont be able to eat solid food for a while so I will loose some weight, and when I start eating solids again, I can start a healthy eating plan and exercise regime to keep the weight off and the weight that I do gain can be muscle. Perfect plan I say, is it realistic? why not, can I do it? that is the ultimate question, and right now I say YES! If i've done it before, I can certainly do it again. so I leave you with a question, what is your favourite snack food? be honest now :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 10 - How can this be

Day 10!!! This has gone by so fast, in just 19 more days I will be lying in an operating room, unconscious, in the hands of a surgeon. Oh man, starting to get real. Freaky! Tuesday I go for my Pre - op appointment, which will be 2 weeks before the surgery. There I will learn more about the surgery and recovery and get to ask all the questions that are filling my mind. Just have to remember to write them all down so I don't forget to ask them. Micheal gets to come with me to the appointment so he can ask questions and listen to how he has to treat me after the surgery. He better be nice, but not too nice as to not be annoying. I'm sure it wont be a problem. I have a feeling that I should start making lists and checking it twice, seems like I
need to get a lot done before, but it's not like I'll be bed ridden right? I'm just getting my jaw broken, not having a heart transplant or a C-section. It's still surgery, and I watch way too much TV, which probably isn't a good thing. Anyways, Day 10!! Crazy, I can't believe how fast 10 days goes by. In no time it will be christmas, than my birthday, than summer, than christmas again! geez time goes by WAY to fast sometimes. I am excited for the next year, there is a lot to look forward too. Hayden's first birthday, My birthday, getting my braces off, our 5th anniversary, going away for a weekend alone, Disneyland/Hawaii, Micheal's BIG 30, christmas, putting our house up for sale. Man, this up coming year is so exciting and to think it will be here in no time. If time keeps going by so quickly just like the last 10 days has, I should start making new goals for the following year!!! xoxo
PS. Since day 5 when I revealed that my baby wasn't breastfeeding any more, He started back at it the next day! Boy am I glad I had been pumping all that time :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 9- Gotta love holiday friday's

Day 9, wow, who would have thought I could make it this long. Not me, never thought my life was interesting enough to blog every day. Haha, what was I thinking, sometimes I think I should have cameras following my everyday life, I think it is a lot more interesting than some of those reality shows that are out there. Anyways, today as I was lying in bed at 930am, yeah I know, that hardly ever happens now a days. I found myself being very thankful that today is a holiday, and Micheal was home to hangout with the early rising duo. It was a little less than a month ago that I was able to bring Hayden down stairs, put him in his bouncy chair, turn on PBS kids and get Hudson some chocolate milk, then climb back into my bed for a glorious hour of uninterrupted sleep. And it was the good kind of sleep, the kind that got you all warm and maybe a little drooly, the kind that when woken you feel disoriented and like you had been sleeping for much much longer. Yeah, those were the good ol days before Hayden began to crawl and climb up on anything that is climbable. He doesn't just sit nicely in a bouncy chair anymore, instead, he crawls everywhere and gets into everything. Which is a good thing I know, but when you are a sleep deprived mom of a baby that doesn't sleep through the night, you take all the sleep you can get, and now mine is down a whole hour. You may be thinking by now, "you just leave your baby in his bouncy chair alone, unattended". My answer to you would be, NO, he's not alone, he's got his very capable 3 year old brother with him. He is some one who can give him his soother and come wake up mom if he really starts to cry. Which might I add is hardly ever. He used to love that chair, he could get it bouncing pretty fast. Man the grow up fast, and with that is new milestones, which are awesome and exciting. I just sometimes wish when they start doing something new, they grow out of something else. for example, crawling around the house at 7am is wonderful, but with that should come sleeping through the night don't you think. It would make for a more fun and energetic morning mommy, instead of a dead to the world sleep on the couch mommy. hahaha I know it will get better, but WHEN is the ultimate question. Hudson didn't sleep through the night till he was 2, and even now he wakes up occasionally with achy legs. I know sleep will come as they age, and I definitely don't want them to grow up any faster than they already are. and who knows, maybe we will throw another kid in the mix along the way, and the process will start all over. So for now I am fine waking up tired as can be at the first sign of sunlight and enjoying my kids while they still want me around. Hope tonight is a good night for you all. xoxo

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 8 - Out of the ordinary

Today is something to write about. I stepped out of my ordinary routine and into a bit of excitement. My Friend Des Larson is a great young original singer song writer. You can check out his music on you-tube or itunes.
Anyways, he tried out for Canada's Got Talent and made it to round 2, which means that who
ever knows him gets tickets for the live taping. Woohoo fun times. I must say, if being part of a live audience was a career I would be totally in. This has been my second TV show that I've sat in on and it is so fun!! The first show was Jimmy Fallon, totally different type of show, but still super cool and a lot of fun. So, my mom and I decided that we would go on an adventure to watch the show. We took the sky train, to Granville station and walked 2 blocks to The Vancouver Performing Arts Center. I am so glad I have an iphone, as it lead me directly to The Center without getting lost in Vancouver's concrete jungle. We stood in line with all the other fans and finally made it into the building. There we got to be part of several cuts of the opening scene, where the host tried different lines and the camera changed it's angle. You probably can see me right in front of the host holding a purple sign! yeah i'm cool like that, hahaha Kathleen actually made the signs, I was lucky enough to hold one. There were a lot of DES fans which is awesome!!! Way to represent :) When we finally got to move to our seats, we were upfront
close to the stage, I could see every act very well.
So all of you who know the show, know there are some awful acts just for ratings, hahaha and yes we saw a few of those today, but most of the people we saw made it to the next round, Canada's certainly got some talent, thats all I have to say. The X's are sooooo loud when they go off, they made me jump every time, crazy, kinda happy the judges didn't X too often. Like I said before, Canada's got some talent :) After the show we went out to White Spot, cause we were all starving from having no lunch. I sat next to my best cousin Jeff (hahaha told you i'd blog about you) and learned that some people eat weird things. What do you think of this, an ice-cream and ginger- ale float. Weird I say! whats wrong with the normal coke float, or a milkshake, everyone knows White Spot makes Great milkshakes. I think I'm going to add white spot milkshakes to the list of food/drinks I'm going to ingest while recovering from the surgery. well, sorry I can't disclose too much about the acts of today, but you will see it soon enough, in March to be exact. Be sure to look for me in the audience, I'm the cute blond girl holding a purple sign :p

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 7- sweet and sour

So, I was finally stumped on what to write about today, so I decided to share my favourite recipe. It is so delicious, we have it at least every second week. It is one of the meals that I actually cook myself, i'm so proud :)
Sweet and sour chicken skewers:
chicken breast
zucchini, cut into large chunks
can of pineapple chunks
red onion, cut into large chunks
red pepper, cut into large chunks
1 Tbsp maple syrup
3 Tbsp ketchup
1/2 Tbsp soy sauce
1 Tbsp red wine vinager
1 tsp hot sauce
salt and pepper
last week I added mushrooms, which were pretty yummy if your into that sort of thing :)

How to make them:
1)Thread chicken, fruit and veggies onto the skewers and season with salt and pepper
2) In a bowl mix the wet ingredients together, and set half of the glaze to the side.
3) brush the skewers with the glaze .
4) Grill until lightly charred and chicken is cooked through, about 4 mins on each side, then use a clean brush to coat with the extra sauce.

I serve mine up with rice and firecracker green beans :)
Enjoy, xoxo

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 6 - Perogie time!!

Yes, I do admit that I have a lot Ukrainian in me, which allows me to LOVE perogies. I mean I can down more than 8 in one sitting. They are so good. Well today my lovely grandma came over to my moms house for a perogie making party! She had already made the dough and the potato filling. And the lovely lady that she is, she takes it one step further and rolls the potato filling into perfect bite size balls as to make it easy to wrap the dough around. So we stood around my moms Island and made 300 perogies, with a few tea breaks in between. We have a pretty good perogie making system. Everyone has there routines or ways of rolling the dough, ect. We do it like this: Cut of pieces of dough, roll it into perfect balls, roll them flat with a rolling pin, then place the potato in the center and pinch like crazy around the sides to seal in the potato goodness. the pinching is my job, I must say I do a pretty darn good job, none ofthem came open while boiling. If you don't know, boiling is the ultimate test of the pinch. If it is not done right the potato will fall out into the boiling water and leave you with an empty bite of dough. making you drool yet? Well let me continue, once the perogies are boiled, you then put them into butter and onions, mmmmm yummy and definitely not fattening at all. hahaha we serve it up right with Ukrainian sausage, salted pork and sour cream. oh yeah, the ultimate feast. For desert I tried a new thing. We had some left over dough so I thought it would be yummy to have desert perogies. This was not a new idea, as Micheal and I have been talking about having a desert perogie night, but it just has yet to happen. So I stuffed some full of banana and some with apple/cinnamon. Both options were so delicious. I topped the banana ones off with chocolate sauce and whipped cream, and the the apple ones with caramel sauceand whipped cream. Can you sense a trend? everything tastes good with whipped cream :) well I'm off to digest my super yummy filling dinner. xoxo

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 5- Milk machine

As you all know, I am a mom of a bright energetic 3 year old and an even more energetic 7 month old. Hayden crawls, eats, pulls himself up, and gets into everything. I pledged to myself before he was born that I would breastfeed him for longer than Hudson. Hudson somewhat stopped himself around 7 months. You know the whole, not enough milk supply accompanied by the awkwardness of feeding a squirming baby in public. Yeah I probably could have tried harder, maybe, but really I could hardly pump any milk out. So this time around, this baby is getting his milk weather he likes it or not, and at the moment, he prefers real food to milk. He will eat what ever you give him, but give him breast milk and he will maybe only take 2 ounces at a time. weird, yes! but the paediatrician said it was still fine, cause I sneak it into him by ways of mixing it in his food. haha take that baby! Anyways to link this with my surgery countdown, ever since Hayden was a wee baby i took every opportunity I had to pump milk in preparation for the surgery that was lurking about. I burned through one pump and am on a very noisy, yet productive little pump. the noisy one just make it a little harder to watch TV while pumping. But now, I have my own milk bank. I may need to donate some of it to an actual milk bank because Hayden is certainly not going to get through all off the bags of milk before they expire. Needless to say, this is just one way that I have been preparing for the surgery that is in 24 days now! yikes, it will be here in no time, which is a scary thought. I don't think any amount of preparation will really prepare me for what i'm going to feel like before, after or during the surgery. Or what I'm going to look like and for how long. The Hunchback of Notradame maybe? or Quagmire from family guy? oh geez how the brain works. Don't worry about me and enjoy your evening xoxo
This picture doesn't do it justice!! It is actually very full

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 4 - Home sweet home

It's day 4 and i'm going strong. I kinda like blogging every day, it forces me to sit down at the end of my day and reflect on the day, night or week. This week I am thankful. Thankful for family. Thankful for a family that is loving and strong. This weekend Micheal and I, and the boys along with my brothers family and my mom and dad went to whistler. We stayed in a nice hotel, walked the village, played at the park, drank starbucks in the nice red christmas cups, and spent quality family time sitting around a table eating! Yes, my family loves food. It is the thing that brings us all together, whether it be a baby shower, family christmas, a wedding, you name the occasion, by the end of the night we are all gathered around the food table chatting it up. Nothing brings people together better than food I say :) Anyways, one of my favorit parts of
going away, is coming home. Home to my own bed, home to my shower, home to my kids toys, and home to my couch. Man, you don't miss something until you don't have it, even if it is trivial things. Needless to say, when we got home we scarfed down our wendy's dinner and threw the kids in the bath, and put them to bed by 730. Now i have some time to spend on my wonderful comfy couch, before heading to bed myself. You guys should give blogging or journaling a try, you would be surprised with the outcome. you might learn something about yourself, or find a new respect for the little things from your day. xoxo

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 3- Movember

It was the first of november and my lovely husband came home from work, had a shower, shaved, you know the normal routine, nothing too crazy. He gave me a little kiss, again nothing
too crazy, and he made me feel how soft his chin was... ahhh nice no stubble. hahaha at the time I didn't notice that he had left the hair on his top lip. when I noticed a few minutes later I promptly asked him " what the heck is that about". he gave me that look like, what do you mean, every things normal over here. hahahaha a moustache is not a normal thing, it is something that old men sport, or creepy middle aged men, not young trying to be hip men. Geesh. He then continued to tell me him and my brother Jamie were growing moustaches for movember. I began to think, what!!!! I have to live with this on his face for a whole entire month, haha is this even possible. Well it turns out they are into this for the long haul. My brother made a group called the fantastic mo's on the official movmeber website and micheal joined as a team memeber. My brother looks like Nacho libre, hahaha it's really funny, and micheal, well he is still to be determined. I think I am slowly getting over my initial shock of the fur on the lip, it is, for a good cause, as it raises awareness for men's health. If any of you want to learn more about movember or to pledge for the team fantastic mo's please go to
If they make it through november I will be proud that they stuck with it and relieved that they can finally shave the rugs off.
As for me, this is my contribution, besides signing up as a mo sister, I can't grow a moustache, which is probably a good thing. Till tomorrow, xoxo

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 of the blog challenge and i've decided it's going to be harder than I thought. It is 9:45 pm, and here I am! I don't know if this ever happens to you, but more than once a week I wake up singing random songs. It usually hits me when I am drinking my morning coffee and feeding my baby breakfast, it starts off with one song and leads to a whole montage. hahaha I know, kinda crazy. Todays song was very random, one that I haven't heard since my childhood. It was a great church song, don't know the name, but it goes like this; I love to be in your presence with your people singing praises, I love to stand and rejoice, lift my hands and raise my voice, you set my feet to dancing, you set my heart on fire, you give me reason to rejoice!!! So awesome, its a great way to start the day. Got me dancing and singing around my house and of course Hudson joined in with some great dance moves :) we even took down the sweet blanket
fort and made a dance club in it's place. Gotta say, some times being a mom can be challenging and tiring, but it's times like these that make the sleepless nights and snotty faces all worth it. Have a good night. xoxo

Thursday, November 3, 2011

30 day count down

I got this great idea from my sister in law, well sort of. she is doing 50 days of christmas. which got me thinking, "I wonder if I could blog everyday". So I decided to count down the days to my jaw surgery. I know it's not as exciting as christmas, but it is something to countdown to. hahaha I hope to make it interesting with fun snippets of my day to day life with my two wonderful little boys. I have a confession, It is actually 29 days till my surgery, but 30 days sounded better. So this being the first day of the count down I would like to share a few of the sewing projects my grandma and I have been working on.

Bandana bibs
I started this project by buying fabric for Hayden, and had some left over so I thought I would use it up for some last minute gift Ideas. I then realized that I did not have any girly fabrics, so I obviously had to get some girly ones too :)

Pillows for Hayden's room
These don't look like too much right now, but when the bench seat is done as well as more pillows, they will look fabulous :) I don't know if you can see, but there is a tiny sample of fabric in the corner of the picture. those are the wonderful curtains that will soon be hung, as soon as Mr. Micheal has some free time, can't wait!
So I hope the first day of the countdown didn't disappoint. till tomorrow, xoxo